Participle Adjective Pengertian Dan Contoh Present Participle Past Participle : Visitpare.Com

Sifat Participle Adjective
Kata sifat participle sendiri memiliki tiga sifat utama, yaitu:

1. Comparative dan Superlative
Comparative adalah sebuah grammar yang memiliki fungsi untuk membandingkan dua orang, binatang, benda, ataupun suatu hal. Contoh comparative yaitu:

Bentuk Dasar Bentuk Comparative Sentences Examples
Smart Smarter than Everyone knew that Caca’s smarter than Tio.
Bad Not as bad as Your score isn’t as bad as mine, you know?
Delicious More delicious Your cake is more delicious.
Sweet As sweet as This candys was as sweet as some honey that I tried in my grandmother’s hometown.
Good Better than Your voice was better than before.
Sedangkan superlative merupakan sebuah grammar yang membandingkan tiga atau lebih orang, binatang, benda, ataupun suatu hal. Contoh bentuk superlative yaitu:

Bentuk Dasar Bentuk Superlative Sentences Examples
Tall Tallest He’s the tallest guy in this school.
Difficult Most difficult This part is the most difficult one.
Beautiful Most beautiful She’s the most beautiful teacher in Bakti Mulia High School.
Funny Funniest Steve was the funniest guy in our group.
Happy Happiest I think I was the happiest person on this earth.
Berikut beberapa contoh perbandingan adjective dasar, comparative, dan superlative:

Adjective Dasar Bentuk Comparative Bentuk Superlative
Many More Most
Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Much More Most
Little Less Least

2. Dapat Digabungkan dengan Adverb of Degree
Adverb of degree merupakan sebuah kata yang menjelaskan mengenai seberapa banyak jumlah atau seberapa jauh suatu hal telah terjadi. Bisa pula dikatakan bahwa adverb of degree menjelaskan mengenai intensitas dari suatu hal atau peristiwa.

Contoh dari gabungan adverb of degree yaitu:

Adverb of Degree Gabungan dengan Adjective Sentences Examples
Very Very smart He’s very smart at his young age.
Extremely Extremely strong She’s extremely strong to have survived in that position.
Less Less spicy This ramen is less spicy than the other one before.
Enough Big enough This box is big enough to put our stuff in.
Too Too sweet That cheesecake is too sweet.

3. Digunakan sebagai Attributive / Predicative
Adjective yang berperan sebagai attribute digunakan saat posisi noun berada setelah adjective. Contoh dari attribute position yaitu:

Adjective Attribute Position Sentences Examples
Old Old chair I saw my grandmother’s old chair under the stairs.
New New car He got a new car on his birthday last week.
Tall Tall guy Do you see those tall guys over there?
Little Little cat I found a little cat yesterday.
Nice Nice person I think she’s a very nice person.
Sedangkan, predicative position merupakan kebalikan dari attribute, dimana posisi link verb seperti look, become, be, feel, dan lain sebagainya, berada sebelum adjective. Contoh dari predicative position yaitu:

Adjective Attribute Position Sentences Examples
Pretty Looks pretty You look pretty in that dress.
Sad Feels sad I feels sad because my dog was lost yesterday.
Strong Be strong She’s been told to be a strong and independent woman.
Good Seems good That haircut seems good in you.
Polite Be polite Be polite with everyone around you.
Contoh lain dari participle adjective dengan link verb yaitu:

Link Verb Participle Adjective Sentences Examples
Looks Amazing You look amazing in those white dresses.
Seemed Annoyed She’s seemed annoyed by what you’ve done.
Feels Tired I feel tired this whole week.
Becomes Bored Lately, my sister becomes bored easily.
Looks Interesting I think that looks interesting to be tried.
Present Participle dan Past Participle
Present participle merupakan sebuah kondisi dimana noun melakukan sebuah tindakan atau melakukan kata kerja. Maka dari itu, verb yang juga berupa adjective di sini menggunakan akhiran +ing untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung atau sedang dilakukan.

Sedangkan past participle merupakan sebuah kondisi dimana noun menerima sebuah tindakan atau kata kerja. Maka dari itu, verb yang juga berupa adjective di sini menggunakan akhiran +ed untuk menyatakan kejadian lampau atau menerangkan sebuah kalimat passive.

Berikut contoh kata dari verbals participles as adjectives yang berupa present participle dan juga past participle:

Present Participle Past Participle
Boring Bored
Tiring Tired
Interesting Interested
Confusing Confused
Amazing Amazed
Annoying Annoyed
Embarrassing Embarrassed
Disappointing Disappointed
Exhausting Exhausted
Terrifying Terrified
Lying Lied
Messing Messed
Destroying Destroyed
Developing Developed
Shocking Shocked
Participle Adjective dalam Bentuk Present Participle dan Past Participle
Contoh dari present participle yaitu:

Present Participles Sentences Examples
Interesting This novel is very interesting
Amazing Your performance was so amazing
Boring I am so boring right now.
Annoying Why are you so annoying?
Lying She’s lying to me.
Disappointing. I think our last performance is very disappointing.
Contoh dari past participle yaitu:

Past Participle Sentences Examples
Confused I was confused by this mathematical theory.
Messed You’ve messed up everything that I’d planned.
Shocked I was shocked by the clown that suddenly appeared.
Embarrassed She’s very embarrassed to told him what she feels.
Terrified I was terrified to walk alone at that haunted house.
Destroyed He suddenly came up and destroyed everything.

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